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Game Dev

Machine Learning in Unity

Using ML agents I trained a Neural Net to play a game I created in Unity to be able to jump over cars. The code of the classes and the full report are on this webpage.


Unreal Engine Project J Game

Currently working on a an Action RPG game in Unreal Engine of AAA standard, using Blueprints and C++. This is the trailer of some of the gameplay and the concept of the game. I'm the systems engineer for Project J


Unreal Engine Series

Currently working on a RPG game in Unreal Engine. Check out episode 1 and 2. Also the documentation for this is on this webpage



Unreal Engine Throwing Knife Replication

An experiment of Gameplay Ability System and using replication and multiplayer to broadcast events from the server to the client. Using throwing animations and Gameplay Abilities, I used a parabolic equation to throw a knife towards an enemy from the player. Inspired by God of War and Call Of Duty.

Mario Clone Java

Used Lightweight Java game library to create a simple mario clone. Simulating collision detection and physics for movement and jumping. I also created a sprite sheet of the Mario and Luigi characters so each sprite would be in an array and an iterative loop in the code would circulate through the array of sprites. I also hand painted the environment using multiple sprite sheets to create the map of the mario level.

Eclipse logo.png
Lightweight Java Game Library.png
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